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Is Your Church Looking for a New Pastor?
Then we can help you!

Please make your Pastor Search Committee's first call to one of the following:

  • Bill Jones
    Executive Director, Texas Baptists Committed 
    214-986-7136 | [email protected]

They are anxious to provide your church with the resources you need as you approach the critical choice of the person to lead your church as pastor.

Also, here on the TBC Web site, you will find links to information that is essential to helping your committee and church navigate the process of finding and calling a new pastor.

First, Texas Baptists Committed is now making available online, in printable PDF format, articles that have been contained in the Help for Pastor Search Committees packet that we have provided to pastorless churches for many years. Though some of these were written many years, ago, much of the information provided in them is relevant in 2015. Your church and pastor search committee will find these articles to be helpful and informative.

Links to TBC pastor search committee resources

Second, the Web site of the Baptist General Convention of Texas provides essential resources such as questions that your committee needs to ask prospective pastors, as well as sample documents - in both English and Spanish - related to the search process. We recommend that you go directly to the Texas Baptists Interim Church Services Web page for these resources, in addition to information and resources regarding the following:

  • Initial Assistance
    • Initial consultation
    • Referrals to supply preachers and trained traditional interim pastors
    Intentional Interim Ministry Training for Pastor Search CommitteesFinding Candidates
    • Leader Connect résumé-matching service
  • Job Descriptions (English/Español) for a variety of ministry staff positions

Please keep in mind that you are free to copy any of these materials (from both TBC and the BGCT) for the use of your committee. Permission is not given, however - by either Texas Baptists Committed or the BGCT - to reproduce any portion of these materials for sale.